• Search Committee Training

    "The University is committed to a campus environment that values all individuals and groups, and to non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all persons.  No member of the University community shall discriminate against another on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or identification as a disabled and/or veteran / military status. Retaliation against an individual seeking advice on a discrimination matter, reporting a discriminatory act, or participating in an investigation of the proceedings of a discrimination matter is prohibited. The University is also committed to the principles of equal opportunity and acts in accordance with state and federal laws."

    Resolution Number: YR 2000-39

    Search Committee Portal
    Search Committee Training
    •  Search Committee members must also complete Search Committee Training. Please view the Training Calendar for upcoming in person/ virtual NEOED Search Committee Training opportunities or contact HR at 330-941-1508 to get assigned the NEOED Learn Search Committee Training course.   
    Search Committee Chairs

    Individuals chairing a search committee must:

    1.  Complete the NEOED Search Committe Training

    Search Chairs may contact Human Resources at 330-941-1508 or hr@ysu.edu for assistance.

    forms & guides
  • Learning Resources

    Linked In Learning logo

    LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of engaging videos and tutorials that feature expert instructors. Courses cover thousands of technology, business and creative skills. Use this University wide resource to assist in your classroom, assign homework or develop your own personal skills.  LinkedIn Learning is available on the Penguin Portal (e-Services Faculty & Staff ) or LinkedInLearning.com (use your YSU credientials).

    IMPACT Solutions Logo

    IMPACT Solutions, YSU's Employee Assistance & Work Life Program provides webinars, resources, and tools to assist in personal and professional development (login at www.MyImpactSolution.com, code: ysueap).

  • Compliance Training

    Youngstown State University is committed to providing an educational and work environment that values all individuals and respects the dignity and rights of all members of the University community.  It is the expectation of the University that all employee conduct will be guided by integrity, mutual respect, and civility. 

    In compliance with University policy, federal, and state law, the University is providing training to all faculty and staff using the interactive online compliance training tool, EduRisk. 

    • The EduRisk Learning Portal is provided by United Educators and delivers complimentary resources to students, staff, and faculty of member institutions. United Educators is the country’s leading provider of liability insurance for schools, colleges, and universities.


  • Performance Management
  • IT Training Resources
  • Records Management

    As a reminder to all employees, Youngstown State University is a public institution of higher education created under the laws of the state of Ohio and therefore, is subject to the sunshine laws.  The sunshine laws are a set of two statues that regulate how YSU handles its written documentation and meetings of its public body, the Board of Trustees.  The Public Records Law (Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43) and the Open Meetings Law (Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22) require that most, if not all, documentation and meetings be accessible to the public.  There are exceptions, of course; most notably for YSU is the student records exception described under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  However, most written records, including e-mail, that serve to document the activities of YSU are public records and therefore subject to the public disclosure.  Similarly, discussions by YSU Board of Trustees where public business is discussed are also generally open to the public. 

    The University has adopted two policies that implement the Public Records Law.  University policy 3356-9-07 Public Records, sets for the procedures the University follows in adhering to the public records law, including how to respond to a public records request, and University policy 3356-9-09 Records Management, describes the methods employed by the university in maintaining, preserving, and disposing of its records. 

    All employees should review and understand how these policies affect their jobs at YSU.  Any questions can be directed to the Office of General Counsel at 330-941-2340.     

    Click here to view the University policies referenced above.   

    Click here to view the Records Retention, Public Records, & Historical Records Training Presentation

    For more information and resources, visit Records Managment at YSU on the Maag Library