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Sergul Erzurum Picture

2023 Schedule of Meetings

The dates listed below are a general guideline for upcoming Board meetings. As the date for the Board meeting nears, please check for updates of meeting times and locations on the YSU website.

*Approximate time for start of the meeting; the meeting will start immediately following preceding committee meeting

Employee Confidentiality Acknowledgement

Records Retention

Public Records

Public Records Request
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WCBA Academic Achievement Reception

Thursday, January 26, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:00




Office of the General Counsel

The Office of the General Counsel provides legal advice and representation to Youngstown State University.  This website is designed to assist the Youngstown State University community in gathering certain types of legal information.  This site will provide a variety of resources, including contract management, affiliation or clinical form agreements, ethics information, public records requests and records retention schedule.  The Office is responsible for providing legal advice and consultation on legal issues involving the University to the University community.
