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The UPside Enrollment is taking a turn for the better, declining 0.7 percent this Fall after significant decreases in each of the previous four years. “We are seeing some very positive numbers in some important categories,” said Gary Swegan, associate vice president for Enrollment Planning and Management. The preliminary numbers became official on the 15th day of the Fall semester.

Wean Foundation President Channels Opportunity to Mahoning Valley Region

Jennifer Roller, ’91 BA, ‘93 MA  Jennifer Roller can pinpoint moments that have served as guideposts in her professional life.

FBI Agent’s Goal: Bringing Health, Healing to Los Angeles



Alumnus Leads News Coverage of High Court's Same-Sex Marriage Ruling



Hershey’s Chocolate Geek: Making a Career in the Sweet Sciences



Master's degree earns national Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award

Youngstown State University’s master’s program in Counseling has received the national 2015 Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award. The recognition from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision honors a counselor education program that exemplifies the importance of excellence through standards and innovation. The award will be presented at the ACES Awards Luncheon noon Saturday, Oct. 10 in Philadelphia.



Four honored at Williamson College of Business Administration Alumni Banquet Oct. 16

The Warren P. Williamson, Jr. College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University presents the 2015 WCBA Outstanding Alumni Awards at the WCBA Alumni Banquet 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in Williamson Hall on the YSU campus.

YSU hosts "Rebuilding America" advanced manufacturing summit

Manufacturers, educators, students, government officials and corporate representatives will attend the “Rebuilding America: North Eastern Ohio/ Western Pennsylvania Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathways Summit” Tuesday, Sept. 22 on the campus of Youngstown State University. The event is 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center. Sponsors include the OH-PENN Manufacturing Collaborative, Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition, Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership, YSU College of STEM, Regional Chamber and HAPCO Inc.

Youngstown unveils economic development plan this week

Economic Development Strategies for the City of Youngstown, a project developed in partnership with Youngstown State University's Center for Urban and Regional Studies, will be officially rolled out 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22, at the YSU Community Room of the Covelli Center in downtown Youngstown. Major goals developed for the city based on the current economy, competitive advantages and best practices from other cities will be presented. Also presented will be a review of corridor opportunity sites and the Downtown Vision and Action plan.

"La Mia Strada (My Road)" screening this week at YHCIL

The Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor hosts a free screening of the film, La Mia Strada (My Road), 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24. The screening will be accompanied by a discussion by the film’s producer/director, Michael DiLauro.
