YSU Directory of Departments
Vice President - Finance & Business Ops
Tod Hall, 223 -
Beeghly Center, 202- 330-941-1910
WCBA Advising
Williamson Hall -
Wick Primary Care at YSU
330 Wick Ave -
Williamson College of Business Administration
Williamson Hall, 3407 -
Women & Gender Center
Kilcawley Center Room 2071- 330-941-3533
Women's & Gender Studies
Women's Basketball
Beeghly Center, 302- 330-941-3712
Women's Bowling
Beeghly Center Room 102- 330-941-2163
Women's Golf
Beeghly Center, 102- 330-941-1910
Women's Lacrosse
Stambaugh Stadium, Room 2027- 330-941-1910
Women's Soccer
Beeghly Center, 102- 330-941-1910
Women's Tennis
Beeghly Center, 102- 330-941-1910
World Languages and Cultures, Department of
Debartolo Hall, 501 -
Writing Center
Maag Library Room 171- 330-941-3055
Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor
C/O YSU History Dept, -
Youngstown State University Foundation