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Gov. Kasich appoints Grooms, Metz to YSU Board of Trustees

Gov. John Kasich has appointed Samuel W. Grooms, chief executive officer of Hy-Tek Material Handling Inc. in Columbus, as a member of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. Grooms, who holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from YSU, will serve a nine-year term that ends in April 2025. He replaces Harry Meshel, whose term on the board has expired. The governor also appointed Allan Metz as a student member of the board. His two-year term will expire in April 2018.

Watsons pledge $1 million for new YSU Student Success Center

Roger and Gloria Jones to receive YSU Friend of the University honor

This Week at YSU, May 9, 2016

Book on Jewish/Holocaust history memorializes former YSU prof, Saul Friedman

YSU business students inducted into Pi Sigma Epsilon sales/marketing fraternity

Mission College celebrates two YSU success stories

Ashley Snipes


Tekia Huggins


Former teacher creates scholarship for Windham High School grads

Commencement: YSU's first PhD graduate says "the opportunities have been tremendous"

 Kyle Myers in a lab in YSU's Moser Hall.


Commencement: From Suriname to doctorate, graduate talks about her "amazing experience"
