As a student in the College of Creative Arts and Communication, you'll gain valuable experience through internship opportunities. Internships are typically offered for junior and senior status students in their respective field of study. Opportunities can be found through Handshake, which is accessed through the student portal, or by inquiring with a professor.
The Office of Cyberlearning at Youngstown State University supports the use of web-based technology and instructional systems designed to deliver courses to learners online. Our CL learners are a diverse group of highly motivated, conscientious individuals who draw from their life experiences to enhance their studies. At this time, many of our CL learners are current learners who take some or all of their courses at a distance to give them more flexibility in the management of school, family, and work.
Join us for the Alumni Society Tailgate!
Posted on
September 16, 2016
1:00 p.m. - Campus tours provided by our great student tour guides!
2:00 p.m. - Represent our Alumni Society by marching or driving your classic car in the 2016 YSU Homecoming Parade!
2:30 p.m. - Enjoy delicious food and fellowship with fellow Alumni Society members in our tailgate tent in the lower M63 tailgate lot.
The brands that make an impact in the world, the brands you care about, all have one thing in common: The people behind them are thoughtful and consistent about the way they express the brand.
Your brand is everything YSU stands for in people's minds. It's shaped by every interaction they have with you or about you. You can create logos, write copy, build websites, run marketing campaigns and train staff – but communications and marketing teams can't directly control all of the touch points that affect what people think about YSU.