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Current Students


To accommodate students holding veteran and current military status, YSU offers the opportunity to enroll in classes for veterans and current military personnel only.


The Office of Veterans Affairs at Youngstown State University is located in the Veterans Resource Center, located at 633 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44502.

About Us

On October 30, 2009, Youngstown State University officially dedicated "Armed Forces Boulevard," a section of street running from Fifth Avenue to the YSU Veterans Plaza, as a permanent tribute to our men and women in uniform.  This dedication, even today, is especially felt in the YSU Office of Veterans Affairs. The Office of Veterans Affairs was established January 2009 and reports directly to the Associate Vice President of Student Experience.

Steven Shandor

Trent Cailor

Next Steps

By the Numbers: Next Steps in Admission for Veterans and Military Personnel

The following summarizes all of the important information you'll need to know in the process of applying as a current or prior military student to Youngstown State University. For a more detailed booklet on these four steps, contact the Office of Veterans Affairs at (330) 941-2503 or


Credit Transfers


Youngstown State University was one of the first institutions to have an office strictly dedicated to assisting veterans on campus. Since its start in 2009, the Office of Veterans Affairs at YSU has continued to better its offerings and its one-on-one attention and help to current and prior military students.

Prospective Students

DSC_8752.jpgWe encourage you to browse the links to the left to learn more about the benefits available to you through the YSU Office of Veterans Affairs, including fee remissions, veterans-only classes, scheduling privileges and much more!
