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Blood Drive

Monday, March 27, 2017 - 11:00 to Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 17:00

March 16, 2017 - Board Agenda

Creating a Multi-Page Form

  1. Follow Steps 1-3 on How to Create a Form Using Drupal Webform.
  2. After adding components for first part or page, add a new component (i.e., title it Part 2, Page 2, etc.), select Page break from Type menu, and click the Add button.

Honors Formal

Saturday, April 22, 2017 - 17:00

Electron Microscopes


JEOL JIB-4500 Multi Beam System

Rigaku Miniflex II

The Rigaku Miniflex II can be used for a variety of applications: from diffraction pattern comparison of polycrystalline materials, such as powder samples and metal plates, to qualitative and quanitative analyses and quality management of raw materials and products. This Miniflex system also offers use of a real-time angle correction system, a single sample holder, an automated six sample changer (used in standard operation), as well as a monochromator addition that caputres X-rays other than Cµ Kα for use in analysis.

S2 Ranger

S2 Ranger

The S2 Ranger is a mid-resolution X-ray fluorescence spectrometer capable of detecting elements sodium and heavier. It is a compact instrument with a built in vacuum pump with no need for liquid nitrogen, water-cooling and other utilities often required for XRF instrumentation.

D8 Advance Powder X-ray Diffractometer

The Bruker-Nonius D8 Advance Powder Diffractometer with Cu radiation and optics for high resolution powder data collection can be used both for simple powder diffraction experiments such as phase identification as well as sophisticated high resolution/Rietveld analysis.

Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometers

The X-Ray Diffraction Lab at Youngstown State hosts three single crystal diffractometers. All systems are equipped with variable temperature devices from Oxford Cryosystems allowing data collection in the range of 90 to 400 K (500 K for the Quest system):

Outstanding Alumni Awards

Outstanding alumnus nomination process

Each year the Beeghly College of Education recognizes outstanding alumni from the college. One alumnus is selected annually from each of the BCOE academic departments plus, when deemed appropriate by the selection committee, a college-wide service recognition is awarded.

One alumnus will be selected for an award from each of the three BCOE program areas:
