Student awarded prestigious internship at Los Alamos National Lab

Ryan Slavic, a senior majoring in Computer Science and Information Systems at Youngstown State University, is among only a dozen individuals nationwide accepted to participate in the Cyber Fire Summer Program in cyber security at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M.
“This program is quite selective and proves what our students in the CSIS department at YSU are capable of doing,” said Abdu Arslanyilmaz, associate professor of CSIS. “As a program at a national laboratory, it will place Ryan in one of the most important research facilities for our government.”
The 10-week paid summer internship, which runs June 5 to Aug. 10, focuses on Network Archaeology, Host Forensics, Malware Analysis and Incident Coordination. The first three weeks of the program consist of morning lectures and afternoon projects to reinforce concepts. Weeks four through nine consist of group projects and occasional lectures on advanced topics. The tenth week consists of a final exercise and two presentations: a mock incident response presentation to senior management and a presentation at the LANL Student Symposium.