YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Yeater, Ms. Hillary
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Yelamanchi, Dr. Bharat
Assistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering -
Yemma, Mrs. Danielle
Part-time Faculty- Meshel Hall
Computer Science and Information Systems -
Yensel, Dr. Jennifer
Principal LecturerPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Yerse, Jeremy
Director Information Technology InfrastructuresIT Infrastructure Services -
Yoder, Mr. Daniel
Systems Technician 2IT Infrastructure Services -
Yommer, Mr. Denny
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Yoon, Hoppi
Part-time FacultyPolitics, International Relations, and Rigelhaupt Pre-Law Center -
Young, Mr. Derick
Part-time FacultyCriminal Justice and Consumer Sciences -
Young, Mr. John
Executive DirectorKilcawley Center -
Young, Mr. William
Part-time FacultyArt -
Younkins, Ms. Kelly
Part-time Faculty -
Yu, Dr. George
Associate ProfessorComputer Science and Information Systems -
Yu, Xuebo
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
Yukech, Mr. Jim
Associate Vice President and Chief Information OfficerChief Information Officer -
Yun, Dr. Misook
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music -
Yurcich, Michael
Assistant CoachFootball -
Yurco, Mr. Michael
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy
Zapka, Mr. Jason
Associate ProfessorEngineering Technology -
Zembower, Mrs. Sharyn
Associate Director, Part-time FacultyIT Customer Services -
Zero, Tyler
Academic Advisor 1Bitonte College of Health and Human Services -
Zetts, Mr. Mark
Part-time FacultyCriminal Justice and Consumer Sciences -
Zhang, Dr. Rongyao Gloria
Assistant ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Zhang, Dr. Yiyang
Associate ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Zhu, Ms. Shelly Xiaoli
Electronic Services LibrarianMaag Library -
Zhybak, Mrs. Natalia
ELI Instructor- Maag Library
English Language Institute -
Zimmer, Evie
Part-time FacultyArt -
Zinz, Madeleine
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Zona, Dr. Louis
Part-time FacultyArt -
Zordich, Mr. Michael
Assistant CoachFootball -
Zubick, Mrs. Brittany
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Zupanic, Mr. James
Faculty EmeritusEngineering Technology -
Zupcsan, Mr. Michael
Information Technology Customer Service ArchitectIT Customer Services -
Zvara, Ms. Lynn
CPT Reader, Part-time FacultyEnglish