Dr. Yiyang Zhang
Associate Professor
Lariccia School of Accounting & Finance
Williamson Hall 3306
phone: (330) 941-1783
Dr. Zhang is an Associate Professor and Lariccia Family Endowed Faculty Fellow at Youngstown State University (YSU). He joined YSU in 2018 after completing his PhD in Accounting from the University of South Florida. His research interests encompass various topics in the accounting literature, including Accounting Information Systems (AIS), auditing, and capital market-based financial accounting issues, utilizing archival methodology. His research has been published in leading academic journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Advances in Accounting, and Managerial Auditing Journal.
Dr. Zhang has received the American Accounting Association (AAA) AIS Mid-Year Meeting Best Paper Award in 2019, 2021, and 2023. He was also honored with the Andrew Best Paper Award at the 2019 Ohio Region Meeting. Some of Dr. Zhang’s papers have been cited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Currently, he serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Information Systems and as a vise chair for the AAA AIS section Research and Publications Committee.
Research Interests
ERP system implementation, Business Intelegence system implementation. Blockchain, IT Capability, ESG, XBRL, Cost of capital, Financial Disclosure, Earnings Management, Corporate Governance, Asset Pricing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Audit Quality, Auditor litigation
Teaching Interests
Accounting Information System
Database Managment
Data Analytics
Financial accounting
Intermediate accounting