We encourage you to browse the links to the left to learn more about the benefits available to you through the YSU Office of Veterans Affairs, including fee remissions, veterans-only classes, scheduling privileges and much more! There's also a link to help you learn more about the credit transfer process and how you can make your time in service count toward earning your degree. The Next Steps link breaks down the process of applying, being accepted, paying for, and getting advised at YSU before you start your first semester; check it out to get an idea of all the steps you'd need to take with the help of the OVA staff. Finally, you'll find a link to the YSU Admissions page where you can get more information on applying should you decide Youngstown State and our Veterans Affairs office is right for you.
And if you ever have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to contact the OVA for guidance. We look forward to hopefully meeting and welcoming you aboard soon!