"Effects of kinesiotaping during early post-operative rehabilitation in individuals who underwent a total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials."
E. Ickert, D. Griswold, O. Ross, S. Dudash, K. Learman
Clinical Rehabilitation, Sage
"Dry Needling for Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis"
D. Griswold, K. Learman, E. Ickert, A. Tapp, O. Ross
Pain Med, volume 24, issue 3, p. 285-299
"Therapeutic Exercise for Hip Rehabilitation: an Evidence-based Approach"
O. Ross, G. Riddle
Orthopedic Section, APTA, volume 24, issue 2.4
"Orthopaedic Management of the Runner, Cyclist, and Swimmer."
O. Ross
Orthopedic Section, APTA, volume 23, issue 1.3
"The Athlete’s Shoulder 2nd Ed."
S. Hoffman, C. Hughes, G. Riddle, O. Ross
Churchill Livingstone
"Exercise Considerations for the Pediatric Patient: Orthopaedic Issues and Treatment Strategies for the Pediatric Patient"
O. Ross
Orthopedic Section, APTA, volume 19, issue 3.3
"Case Report: Rehabilitation and Outcomes for a Patient Following Implant of a Reverse Delta III Shoulder Prosthesis."
C. Unversagt, O. Ross, C. Hughes
Orthopaedic Practice, volume 18