Dr. Laura Calcagni
Associate Professor
Centofanti School of Nursing
Cushwa Hall 3114
phone: (330) 941-3294
Research Interests
Nursing clinical judgment, active learning strategies, clinical nursing education
Other, DNP; Educational Leadership
Case Western Reserve University
Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Promoting Clinical Judgment in Clinical Nursing Education"
MS, MSN Nursing Education
Youngstown State University
BS, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Youngstown State University
Awards and Honors
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Xi Xi Chapter
Sigma Xi Xi Chapter Excellence in Chapter Service Award
Received the Excellence in Chapter Service Award from Sigma Xi Xi Chapter for my ongoing dedication and service as Xi Xi Chapter Secretary and assistance with chapter activities and philanthropy projects.
Sigma/Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Rising Star of Research and Scholarship Invited Student Poster Presenter
Selected by the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing to represent Case Western Reserve University as a Rising Star of Research and Scholarship Invited Student Poster Presenter at the 33rd International Nursing Research Congress.
Youngstown State University
YSU Distinguished Professor for Excellence in Teaching Award
Recognized as a YSU Distinguished Professor for Excellence in Teaching during the 2019-2020 academic year.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Xi Xi Chapter
Sigma Xi Xi Chapter Excellence in Chapter Service Award
Received the Excellence in Chapter Service Award from Sigma Xi Xi Chapter for my ongoing dedication and service as Xi Xi Chapter Secretary and assistance with chapter activities and philanthropy projects.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Xi Xi Chapter
Sigma Xi Xi Chapter Excellence in Chapter Service Award
Received the Excellence in Chapter Service Award from Sigma Xi Xi Chapter for my ongoing dedication and service as Xi Xi Chapter Secretary and assistance with chapter activities and philanthropy projects.
Youngstown State University, Distance Education
YSU Distance Education's "Course of the Year Final Four" Award
Recognized for the creation of the online course, Nursing Informatics, as one of the top four YSU Distance Education courses of 2014. The course was also awarded the "Cool Feature" recognition for inclusion of a "Helpful Information" folder within each learning module which included links to videos and resources to support student success. The course also successfully completed the Quality Matters review process.
Intellectual Contributions
"Effect of a Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) Module for Re-training of Blood Pressure Assessment: A Crossover Randomized Control Trial"
E. Ickert, K. Learman, S. Dudash, R. Riblet, L. Calcagni
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, Wolters Kluwer
"I assisted in producing assessment tool used in research study and was a research assistant. Not"
L. Calcagni, T. Peck
Nurse Educator, Lippincott Wolters Kluwer
"Clinical Judgment Development and Assessment in Clinical Nursing Education"
L. Calcagni, D. Lindell, A. Weaver, M. Jackson
Nurse Educator, Wolters Kluwer, volume 48, issue 4, p. 175-181
"Clinical Judgment Development and Assessment in Clinical Nursing Education"
L. Calcagni, D. Lindell, A. Weaver, M. Jackson
Nurse Educator, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), p. 7
"Promoting clinical Judgment Development in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education"
L. Calcagni
OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center, OhioLINK
"Status Post Cardiac Arrest/Myocardial Infarction"
P. McHugh Schuster, L. Calcagni
F.A. Davis, issue 5th Edition