"Better birth outcomes: The investment that saves lives"
K. Larwin, S. Horne, A. Budnik
Environment and Public Health Research, Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd, volume 2, issue 2, p. 1927
"The cost of doing nothing: Preventable premature births for at-risk women"
K. Larwin, S. Horne
Applied Psychology Research, Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd, volume 3, issue 1, p. 1278
"Perceptions of Poverty across Three Disciplines at One Urban University"
K. Larwin, C. Jackson, S. Harper Woods, P. Spearman
Journal of Poverty, Informa UK Limited, volume 28, issue 1, p. 47-57
"The Implementation of Restorative Justice Practices: What Does Six Years of Data Reveal About the Changes in the Reported Discipline Rates for African American Students?"
K. Fallo, K. Larwin
Journal of Education, SAGE Publications, volume 204, issue 1, p. 58-70
"Maternal and Infant Pathways HUB in NE Ohio: Influence on Birth Outcomes"
K. Larwin, D. Larwin
Maternal and Child Health Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, volume 28, issue 1, p. 83-92
"The Sound of Silence: The Educator’s Perspective on Silence during Staff Meetings."
A. Zito, K. Larwin
Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership, volume 9(2), https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/joel/9/iss2/3
"Ohio community pathway HUB: The cost benefit of supporting minority mothers"
K. Larwin, A. Budnik, S. Horne
Journal of Contemporary Research in Social Sciences, Learning Gate, volume 5, issue 2, p. 27-37
"A meta-analytic investigation of the impact of middle school STEM education: where are all the students of color?"
D. Thomas, K. Larwin
International Journal of STEM Education, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, volume 10, issue 1
"When the right answer isn’t enough."
K. Larwin, J. Gorman
"Perspectives of Respiratory therapists on Trust in healthcare Leadership Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic"
M. Simko, K. Larwin
Respiratory Care, volume 68(10). https://rc.rcjournal.com/content/68/Suppl_10/3949399
"Exploring the Perceptions of Male Teachers About the Shortage of Male Elementary School Teachers: A Q Methodology"
K. Meader, K. Larwin
Journal of Education, SAGE Publications, volume 202, issue 4, p. 416-435
"Using HLM to Determine a STEM Programs Impact on Middle School Academic Achievement"
D. Chine, K. Larwin
International Journal of Research in Education and Science, ISTES Organization, volume 8, issue 1, p. 1-17
"The Impact of STEM Integration on Student Achievement Using HLM: A Case Study"
D. Chine, K. Larwin
Journal of Research in STEM Education, volume 8(1), 1-23, https://doi.org/10.51355/jstem.2022.108
"The impact of restorative justice practices on reducing the discipline gap for African American students."
K. Fallo, K. Larwin
Journal of Education, volume 1-13. doi.org/10.1177/00220574221090286
"Do Bullying Interventions Work? The Educators’ Perspective"
J. Kalis, K. Larwin
Journal of Organizational & Educational Leadership, volume 8: Iss. 1, Article 3
"At risk and silent: Giving voice to students participating in an alternative school-in-school program"
J. Glavan, K. Larwin, C. Aspiranti
Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning, volume 16(32), 31-57
"Investigating the Effects of Tablet-Based Math Interventions: A Meta-Analysis"
K. Aspiranti, K. Larwin
International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, ISTES Organization, volume 5, issue 4, p. 629-647
"Perceptions of Poverty Across Three Disciplines at One Urban University"
K. Larwin, C. Jackson, S. Woods, P. Spearman
Journal of Poverty, volume 26, p. 1-11
"Will they be welcomed in? The impact of K-12 teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of inclusion of students with disabilities"
E. Smith, K. Larwin
Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership, volume 6(3), 1-34
"Measuring the effects of physical exercise on stereotypic behaviors in autism: Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling."
C. Tarr, K. Larwin, R. Hershey
Journal of Autism, volume 8(1), 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2054-992X-8-1
"Is There a Disproportionate Representation of African American Males in Special Education? A Causal-Comparative Investigation,"
K. Hughley, K. Larwin
Journal of Organizational & Educational Leadership, volume 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 3
"Factors of Motivation in Education: Perspectives of College Students and Their Professors"
C. Reash, K. Larwin
Journal of Organizational & Educational Leadership, volume 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 2
"A meta-analysis of the use of iPads and tablets for math intervention delivery."
K. Aspiranti, K. Larwin
International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, volume 8(1), 1-8.
"A Proposed Definition and Structure of Counselor Dispositions"
S. Miller, K. Larwin, M. Kautzman-East, J. Williams, W. Evans, D. Williams, A. Abramski, K. Miller
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Informa UK Limited, volume 53, issue 2, p. 117-130
"iPads/tablets and students with autism: A meta-analysis of academic effects"
K. Aspiranti, K. Larwin, B. Schade
Assistive Technology, Informa UK Limited, volume 32, issue 1, p. 23-30
"The Association Between Perception of Caring and Intrinsic Motivation: A Study of Urban Middle School Students"
D. Reppy, K. Larwin
Journal of Education, SAGE Publications, volume 200, issue 1, p. 48-61
"Measuring the Academic Outcomes of iPads for Students with Autism: a Meta-Analysis"
K. Larwin, K. Aspiranti
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, volume 6, issue 2, p. 233-241
"A proposed definition and structure of counselor dispositions. [Journal article]"
S. Miller, K. Larwin, M. Kaufman-East, J. Williams, D. Williams, A. Abramski, K. Miller
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, volume 53, issue 1, p. 117-130
"Using dispositional assessments to promote professional competence among health care providers. [Journal article]"
K. Miller, S. Miller, K. Larwin, W. Evans, A. Abramski, M. Kautzman-East, J. Williams, D. Williams
Journal of DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
"The Potential Impact of Online/Distance Education for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: Results from a Meta-Analytic Investigation and Existing Research"
M. Erickson, K. Larwin
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, volume 5, issue 1, p. 76
"Beeghly College of Education Quality Assurance System Handbook: Policies and Procedures."
K. Miller, J. Beese, K. Larwin, M. DiPillo
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
"Examining Effective Characteristics of Professional Development in K-12 Education Since the Inception of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002: A Meta-Analytic Investigation"
E. Thomas, K. Larwin
Journal of Educational Leadership in Action, Lindenwood University, volume 2, issue 2
"Assessing the Impact of Testing Aids on Post-Secondary Student Performance: A Meta-Analytic Investigation"
K. Larwin, J. Gorman, D. Larwin
Educational Psychology Review, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, volume 25, issue 3, p. 429-443
"Reading is Fundamental in Predicting Math Achievement in 10th Graders?"
K. Larwin
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, Modestum Publishing Ltd, volume 5, issue 3, p. 131-145
"Decreasing Excessive Media Usage While Increasing Physical Activity"
K. Larwin, D. Larwin
Behavior Modification, SAGE Publications, volume 32, issue 6, p. 938-956