Dr. Jay Gordon

Associate Professor
Dr. Jay Gordon - profile photo

Dr. Jay Gordon

Associate Professor

English & World Languages

DeBartolo Hall 243

phone: (330) 941-1643


  • Education
    • 1991

      BA, Philosophy

      Brandeis University

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2023

      "Looking back, looking ahead: A “layered literacies” approach to program change"

      D. Awad-Scrocco, J. Gordon

      Programmatic Perspectives, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, volume 14, issue 1, p. 5-40

Jay Gordon

Jay L. Gordon (PhD, Carnegie Mellon University) has a background in rhetoric and composition and is especially interested in the teaching of writing. He has taught in both the composition and the professional and technical writing (PTW) programs in the English department. His most recent research interest is in the idea of “clarity” in writing: What does it mean to be clear? How do we learn to write more clearly? What makes some writing clear and some unclear?