Dr. Emre Ulusoy
Associate Professor
Management & Marketing
Williamson College of Business 3380
phone: (330) 941-3149
Dr. Emre Ulusoy is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Youngstown State University in Ohio. He is primarily interested in the social, cultural, philosophical, and critical issues as they relate to the phenomena of consumption, marketing, and markets. Of these, primary research projects cover studies of subcultural consumption, music/art consumption, market co-optation, cultural fragmentation, consumer resistance, consumer/brand activism, consumer identity, sustainability, ethical consumption, social innovation, alternative food technologies, alternative food consumption, and Veganism. His articles have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research; Journal of Consumer Culture; Marketing Theory; Consumption, Markets & Culture; Journal of Marketing Management.
Research Interests
Consumer Behavior; Sociology of Consumption; Consumer Culture; Marketing Theory; Social Theory; Qualitative Research; Post-Structuralism; Macromarketing; Critical Marketing; Cultural Studies.
Teaching Interests
Consumer Behavior; Marketing Concepts and Practice; Marketing Research & Analytics, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; International Marketing.
Ph D, Marketing
University of Texas - Pan American
Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Toward Understanding the Subcultural Mosaic: Fragmentation of the Culture and the Symbiotic Interplay of the Market and Subcultures"
MA, Marketing Communication Administration
Galatasaray University
MA, Marketing with E-commerce
University of Portsmouth
BA, Business Administration
Istanbul Bilgi University
Awards and Honors
Youngstown State University
Research Professorship
Youngstown State University
Beta Gamma Sigma
The International Business Honor Society
Youngstown State University
2017 Distance Education Course of the Year Finalist
Youngstown State University
Research Professorship
Youngstown State University
Distinguished Professor of Scholarship
Cleveland Whiskey
NASBITE International Case Competition
My team (3 students), under my guidance as a faculty advisor, has been selected as a finalist for the 2nd annual NASBITE International Case Competition.
Youngstown State University
URC Award / Research Grant
Youngstown State University
Research Professorship
eYSU Distance Education
Excellence in Distance Learning
My course, MBA 6933, has been approved through the internal eYSU Development Review process.
Youngstown State University
Reassignment Time Award
University of Texas – Pan American
Dr. Blandina Cardenas Graduate Travel Scholarship
Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
Annual Conference Travel Grant
University of Texas – Pan American
Doctoral Research/Teaching Assistantship
University of Portsmouth
Postgraduate Fellowship
Professional Positions
2018 -
Youngstown State University
Associate Professor
2013 - 2018
Youngstown State University
Assistant Professor
2008 - 2013
University of Texas – Pan American
Research/Teaching Assistant
2007 - 2008
Euro.message – E-Marketing Service Provider
E-Marketing Specialist and Internet Media Planner
2006 - 2007
MediaCom – Media Communications Agency
Strategic Media Planner and Buyer
2005 - 2006
Rapido Advertising Agency
Account Executive and Copywriter
2003 - 2003
Eczacibasi Holding
Internship in Marketing Department
2002 - 2002
Eczacibasi Holding
Internship in Human Resources Department
Intellectual Contributions
"The Impact of Technology on Transforming the Food Consumption/Production: The Bright Future of Technologically De(re)contextualized Food Systems and Sustainability"
E. Ulusoy
Transformative Consumer Research -
"Elysium as a Social Allegory: At the nexus of Dystopia, Cyberpunk, and Plutocracy"
E. Ulusoy
Markets, Globalization & Development Review, volume 5, issue 3 -
"Why Go Vegan?: Understanding Vegan Consumers in the Quest of Vegan Marketing and Making the Connections between Ethics, Environmental Sustainability, and Health"
E. Ulusoy
In Vegans We Trust Blog -
"Subcultural Ethos: The Dynamic Reconfiguration of Mainstream Consumer Values"
E. Ulusoy, P. Barretta
Routledge, issue 1st Edition, p. 70-87 -
"Toward a Theory of Subcultural Mosaic: Fragmentation into and within Subcultures"
E. Ulusoy, F. Firat
Journal of Consumer Culture, volume 18, issue 1, p. 21-42 -
"Subculture as Learning Context: Subcultural Music Consumption as Language, Channel and Journey"
E. Ulusoy, S. Schembri
Consumption, Markets & Culture, volume 21, issue 3, p. 239-254 -
"Delineating Links Among Dynamic Capabilities, Operational Capabilities and Firm Performance"
R. Dangol, E. Ulusoy
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, volume 1, p. 1-19
"Alternative Food Consumption (AFC): Idiocentric and Allocentric Factors of Influence among Low Socio-Economic Status (SES) Consumers"
W. Batat, P. Peter, V. Manna, H. Vicdan, E. Ulusoy, E. Ulusoy, S. Hong
Journal of Marketing Management, volume 33, issue 7-8, p. 580-601 -
P. Reday, E. Ulusoy, A. Kos, M. Ragozine
International Journal of Business Research, volume 16, issue 4, p. PP 19 - 28
"A Framework for the Development of a Marketing Strategy: Synthesizing the Essential Factors Organizations Need to Consider"
E. Ulusoy, P. Reday
Review of Business Research, volume ume 16, issue Number 3, p. PP 41 - 50
"Understanding the Academic Scholarship: Insights from the Field of Marketing"
E. Ulusoy
International Journal of Business Research, volume 16, issue 1, p. 125-132 -
"Subcultural Escapades via Music Consumption: Identity Transformations and Extraordinary Experiences in Dionysian Music Subcultures"
E. Ulusoy
Journal of Business Research, volume 69, issue 1, p. 244-254 -
"How Green are You, Really? Consumers’ Skepticism toward Brands with Green Claims"
E. Ulusoy, P. Barretta
Journal of Global Responsibility, volume 7, issue 1, p. 72-83 -
"Alternative Food Consumption (AFC): What is “alternative”?"
V. Manna, E. Ulusoy, W. Batat
Marketing Theory, volume 16, issue 4, p. 561-565 -
"I Think, Therefore I am Vegan: Veganism, Ethics, and Social Justice"
E. Ulusoy
Annual Macromarketing Conference, p. 419-424 -
"Music Consumption as a Therapeutic Process: Subcultures at the Convergence of Affective, Cognitive, and Conative Conditions"
E. Ulusoy
Journal of Biomusical Engineering, volume 3, issue 1, p. 1-3 -
"Subcultural Escapades via Fun: Radical Self-Expression, Therapeutic Praxis, and Controlled Chaos"
E. Ulusoy
Advances in Consumer Research -
"Anti-Brand Movement: Politico-Cultural Resistance and Ethical Commitment"
E. Ulusoy
Advances in Consumer Research -
"The Role of Religion on Anti-Consumption Tendencies: Religiosity as a Different Form of Consumer Resistance"
E. Ulusoy
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 32, ed. Leroy Robinson, Jr, volume 32, p. 51-53 -
"Revisiting Netnography: Implications for Social Marketing Research Concerning Controversial and/or Sensitive Issues"
E. Ulusoy
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, volume 32, p. 422-425 -
"Revisiting Marketing Strategy: Towards Detecting the Main Factors in Developing a Marketing Strategy"
E. Ulusoy
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 32, ed. Leroy Robinson, Jr, volume 32, p. 580-583 -
"Internet Literacy and Attitudes toward Internet Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Study"
E. Ulusoy
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, volume 32, p. 300-302 -
"The Meaning of Border and Its Effects on Cross-Border Consumption"
E. Ulusoy
Advances in Consumer Research, volume 39, p. 892 -
"The Impact of Variability of Front-Line Service Employees on the Customer Perceptions of Service Quality"
E. Ulusoy
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, volume 34, p. 424 -
"In Brands that are Proclaimed Sustainable, Consumers do not Trust"
E. Ulusoy, P. Barretta
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, volume 34, p. 70 -
"Revisiting the Subculture: Fragmentation of the Social and the Venue for Contemporary Consumption"
E. Ulusoy, F. Firat
Advances in Consumer Research, volume 38, p. 558
Professional Service
2021 - present
Editor, Associate Editor
Open Cultural Studies Journal -
2020 - present
Reviewer, Journal Article
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing -
2020 - present
Track Organizer
Transformative Consumer Research -
2019 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Psychology & Marketing -
2018 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Global Marketing -
2018 - present
Reviewer, Conference Paper
International Association for Business and Society -
2017 - present
Reviewer, Journal Article
Markets, Globalization & Development Review -
2017 - present
Editorial Review Board Member
Journal of Global Business Insights -
2017 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Consumer Culture -
2016 - present
Marketing for Higher Ed SIG (AMA) -
2016 - present
Editorial Review Board Member
Marketing and Branding Research -
2016 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Media Critiques -
2016 - present
Editorial Review Board Member
Journal of International Management Studies -
2016 - present
Journal of Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement -
2016 - present
Reviewer, Journal Article
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing -
2016 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
International Academy of Business and Economics -
2016 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Consumption, Markets & Culture -
2016 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Arts and the Market -
2015 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Marketing Theory -
2015 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Business Research -
2015 - present
Committee Member
Association of North America Higher Education International -
2013 - present
Editorial Review Board Member
American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities -
2013 - present
Reviewer, Conference Paper
AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference -
The Consuming Body and Markets Ph.D. Seminar at University of Texas – Pan American -
Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas/Mary G. Moad Business Ethics Award Program -
Session Chair
Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference: “Consumers in all their Glory!” -
2010 - 2011
Reviewer, Conference Paper
International Society for Markets and Development (ISMD) Conference -
2010 - present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities -
2010 - present
Reviewer, Conference Paper
American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter/Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference -
2009 - present
Reviewer, Conference Paper
Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference