Ms. Dorian Mermer
Senior Lecturer
Bliss Hall 2008
phone: (330) 941-2255
Research Interests
Qualitative Research Methods, Organizational Culture, Employee Voice, Leadership, Political Communication and Gender.
Teaching Interests
Communication Theory, Group Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Communication, Organizational Culture, Public Speaking, Interviewing, Social Media Literacy and Social Media Campaigns.
MA, Rhetoric and Communication
Kent State University
Dissertation/Thesis Title — "A Conceptualization of Citizenship Rules"
BA, Communication
Hiram College
Awards and Honors
Student Government Association
Smith-Murphy Award
This award is presented to one full-time faculty member each year who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for their students.
Distinguished Professorship Award 2020-2021 for Teaching
For excellence in teaching.
eYSU Distance Education
Outstanding Contributions to YSU's Distance Education Program
eYSU Distance Education
2015 Distance Education Course of the Year Final Four
eYSU Distance Education
2014 Distance Education Course of the Year Final Four
eYSU Distance Education
2014 Distance Education Cool Feature Award
Eastern Communication Association
Top Paper in Media Interest Group
"Generational differences in use of news formats: An application of the theory of planned behavior.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Eastern Communication Association Convention, Pittsburgh, PA. Awarded “Top Paper in the Media Communication Interest Group.”
Professional Positions
2018 -
Youngstown State University
Senior Lecturer
2004 - 2018
Youngstown State University
1991 - 2022
Kent State University Trumbull Campus
Adjunct Faculty
1990 - 2004
Youngstown State University
Part-time Faculty
Administrative Assignments
2023 - present
2022 - 2023
2015 - 2020
Intellectual Contributions
"Renewing our commitment to tenure, academic freedom, and shared governance to navigate challenges in higher education."
R. Curnalia, D. Mermer
Review of Communication, volume 18
"Observation and Note Taking, Conducting Qualitative Interviews, and Undertaking Focus Groups."
R. Curnalia, A. Ferris, D. Mermer, J. Tyus, C. Wecht
Top Hat
"The ‘Ice Queen’ melted and it won her the primary: Evidence of gender stereotypes and the double bind in news frames of Hillary Clinton’s ‘emotional moment’.The ‘Ice Queen’ melted and it won her the primary: Evidence of gender stereotypes and the double bind in news frames of Hillary Clinton’s ‘emotional moment’."
R. Curnalia, D. Mermer
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, volume 15, issue 1, p. 26-32
"Integrating uses and gratifications with the theory of planned behavior to explain political disaffection and engagement."
R. Curnalia, D. Mermer
American Communication Journal, volume 15, issue 3, p. 59-82
"Recognizing the Struggles of Local Political Campaigns: A Call for a Revolution in Media Coverage of Local Politics"
R. Curnalia, D. Mermer, J. Tyus
Ohio Communication Journal, volume ume 49, p. 83-99
Public Service
2023 - 2023
CMST 2655 (Communication in Groups and Organizations) Course Non-Profit Fundraiser
2023 - 2023
CMST 2655 (Communication in Groups and Organizations) Course Non-profit Fundraiser