"Betrayed by AI: How perceived betrayal by a virtual assistant affects consumers’ purchase intentions for recommended products"
C. Saenger, C. Kuchmaner, P. Bateman
Journal of Business Research, Elsevier BV, volume 185, p. 114940
"How Limited Consumption Experiences Affect Word of Mouth"
C. Saenger, V. Thomas
Marketing Letters, volume 32, issue 2, p. 149-163
"An Extended Reciprocity Cycle of Gratitude: How Gratitude Strengthens Existing and Initiates New Customer Relationships"
D. Bock, V. Thomas, J. Wolter, C. Saenger, P. Xu
Psychology & Marketing, volume 38, issue 3, p. 564-576
"Celebrity influence on word of mouth: The interplay of power states and power expectations"
V. Thomas, K. Fowler, C. Saenger
Marketing Letters, volume 31, issue 1, p. 105-120
"Compensatory word of mouth as symbolic self-completion: When talking about a brand can restore consumers’ self-perceptions after self-threat"
C. Saenger, V. Thomas, D. Bock
European Journal of Marketing, volume 54, issue 4, p. 671-690
"Fostering beneficial consumer responses to in-feed sponsored posts"
C. Saenger, D. Song
Journal of Consumer Marketing, volume 36, issue 5
"Feeling excluded? Join the crowd: How social exclusion affects perceptions of consumer-dense retail environments"
V. Thomas, C. Saenger
Journal of Business Research, volume 120, p. 520-528
"Enhancing Students' Marketing Information Literacy"
K. Fowler, V. Thomas, C. Saenger
Marketing Education Review, volume 29, issue 1, p. 52-64
"Do You Want to Talk About It? When Word of Mouth Alleviates the Psychological Discomfort of Self-Threat"
V. Thomas, C. Saenger, D. Bock
Psychology & Marketing, volume 34, issue 9, p. 894-903
"The Strategic Use of Contextual and Competitive Interference to Influence Brand-Attribute Associations"
C. Saenger, R. Jewell, J. Grigsby
Journal of Advertising, volume 46, issue 3, p. 424-439
"Promoting or protecting my brand: The identity-expression and fear-of-imitation conflict"
V. Thomas, C. Saenger
Journal of Consumer Marketing, volume 34, issue 1, p. 66-73
"Associative and dissociative comparative advertising strategies in broadening brand positioning"
R. Jewell, C. Saenger
Journal of Business Research, volume 67, issue 7, p. 1599-1566
"Consumption-focused self-expression word of mouth: Scale development and its role in consumer research"
C. Saenger, V. Thomas, J. Wiggins Johnson
Psychology & Marketing, volume 30, issue 11, p. 959-970