Dr. Cary Wecht

Professor & Director of Faculty Professional Development
Dr. Cary Wecht - profile photo

Dr. Cary Wecht



Jones Hall 3046

phone: (330) 941-2337



Cary has worked as a Professor of Communication since 2003 at Youngstown State University. She has also has served as Director of Faculty Development since 2011. In addition to her interest in the study of teaching and learning, Cary is a communication generalist, whose research interests involve the nexus of media use and interpersonal communication; her former research helped to spawn the Communibiology paradigm. She is the author of book chapters on varied topics such as media criticism, public speaking, communication and biology, use of media during 9/11, reality television, and business communication. Her conference presentations extend even to topics such as argumentativeness and verbal aggression, as well as curriculum and pedagogy. Her research has been published in Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, and Communication Research Reports.

Research Interests

teaching and learning, media uses and effects, interpersonal communication

Teaching Interests

media, interpersonal communication, small group communication, organizational communication, research methods

  • Education
    • 1999

      Ph D, Communication Studies

      Kent State University

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2022

      YSU Athletics

      Honorary YSU Football Coach

  • Administrative Assignments
    • 2011 - present


  • Intellectual Contributions
    • "Observation and Note Taking, Conducting Qualitative Interviews, and Undertaking Focus Groups."

      R. Curnalia, A. Ferris, D. Mermer, J. Tyus, C. Wecht

      Top Hat

    • 2014

      "Becoming a Critic: An Introduction to Analyzing Media Content."

      R. Curnalia, A. Ferris, C. Wecht

      Kendall Hunt

Cary Wecht headshot

Professor, Department of Communication
YSU Director of Faculty Development


  • PhD: Kent State University
  • MA: Kent State University
  • BA: Youngstown State University

Select Publications

  • Curnalia, R., Wecht, C., & Ferris, A. (2014). Becoming a critic: An introduction to analyzing media content. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
  • Horvath, C. W., & Finucane, M. O. (2009). Women’s shared viewing of The Bachelor: General motivations and perceptions. In J. Lancioni (Ed.), Fix me up: Essays on television dating and makeover shows. (pp. 43-55). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
  • Hugenberg, L., Horvath, C. W., Wallace, S., & Yoder, D. (2005). Creating Competent Communication (4th ed.) Dubuque, IA, Kendall/Hunt.
  • Horvath, C. W. (2004). Measuring television addiction. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 48, 378-398.

Research Interests

  • Media Use and Effects
  • Interpersonal Communication


  • YSU Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Public Service, (2007, April).
  • Athena Award Nominee. Spring, 2010
  • Phi Kappa Phi, YSU. Inducted Spring, 2009.
  • Top-three paper in mass communication (2004, April). Married couples’ television coviewing and relationship satisfaction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Boston, MA.

Cary is a communication generalist, whose current research interests involve the nexus of media use and interpersonal communication; her former research helped to spawn the Communibiology paradigm. She is the author of book chapters on varied topics such as media criticism, public speaking, communication and biology, use of media during 9/11, reality television, and business communication. Her conference presentations extend even to topics such as argumentativeness and verbal aggression, as well as curriculum and pedagogy. Her research has been published in Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, and Communication Research Reports.