YSU Social Work Day: "Forging Solutions Out of Challenges"

Youngstown State University’s annual celebration of Social Work Day is Friday, April 1 in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center on the YSU campus. The theme of the event is “Social Work: Forging Solutions Out of Challenges” and features a presentation by James A. White Sr., president and chief executive of Performance Consulting Services in Columbus. Registration deadline is March 28. Make reservations a https://epay.ysu.edu/C21820_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=32&SINGLESTORE=true. White is a senior master trainer, consultant and executive coach with more than 25 years of corporate, education, government diversity training and development experience. He is the owner of Performance Consulting Services, a business performance training, development, coaching and consulting firm. White served in the Air Force as Staff Sergeant for eight years. In addition to his social work education background with Capital University and Ohio State University, he has acquired competency certifications in more than 20 corporate training programs and initiatives. He recently published a book titled, “A Better World: Understanding How Your Personal Operating System Affects Culture, Diversity and Inclusion.” Social Work Day is sponsored by James and Coralie Centofanti Center for the Health and Welfare of Vulnerable Populations, the YSU Department of Social Work and Ohio Drug Card. The day’s agenda: 7:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast buffet. 8 a.m. Welcome, Shirley Keller, professor; Jim Tressel, YSU president, Joe Mosca, dean, Bitonte College of Health and Human Services, U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan. 8:30 a.m. “Diversity’s Next Step: Moving Beyond Awareness Leading to Consciousness, Inclusion and Integrity,” by James A. White. 10 a.m. “The State of Social Work” by Danielle Smith, Executive Director, NASW-Ohio Chapter, and Annie Davis, President, NASW - Ohio Chapter Board. 10:35 a.m. Region IV update, Jeff Phillips, Region IV Director and MSW Student, NASW – Ohio Chapter Department of Social Work Scholarships, Dana Davis, chair, Scholarship Committee, and Chaney Nezbeth, YSU Development Officer. BSW Student Social Work Association, Keller, BSW SSWA Faculty Advisor . Recognition of Field Instructors, Maureen Reardon, MSW Field Education Coordinator; Theresa Swindler, BSW Field Education Coordinator; Phyllis Johnson, UPP Program Coordinator; Tami Holcomb, MSSA, Lakeland Field Coordinator . 11:50 a.m. Recognition of Graduating Students, Dennis Morawski, MSW, Chair, Department of Social Work.