YSU schedules continuing ed seminars on accounting

The Williamson College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University hosts three accounting continuing education seminars as a part of a strategic initiative to bring high quality, in-demand professional development and continuing education programming to the region.
The three seminars:
- Friday, Aug. 19, Youngstown Governmental and Not-for-Profit Update.
- Friday, Sept. 16, Youngstown Accounting & Auditing Update.
- Thursday, Nov. 17, Youngstown Annual Tax Update.
The seminars will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Williamson Hall at YSU with registration at 8 a.m. Parking is available in the M53 parking lot at the corner of Fifth and West Rayen Avenues for the Aug.19 event. Parking for the remaining two seminars will be in the parking deck on Wick Avenue. To register and obtain the program agenda, visit www.ysu.edu/wcba. For additional information, call the Office of the Dean at 330-941-3064. Registration fees cannot be refunded when a cancellation is made 5 business days prior to the seminar. If a registrant is unable to attend, a substitute may attend if notification is provided at least 24 hours in advance.
Descriptions of the three seminars:
- Youngstown Governmental and Not-for-Profit Update is designed to inform financial executives in governmental and not-for-profit organizations as well as public and accounting practitioners about the latest accounting and auditing developments affecting governments and not-for-profit organizations. In addition, updates will be offered on Yellow Book requirements.
- Youngstown Accounting and Auditing Update covers new developments in accounting and auditing standards including advice on compliance with professional regulations. This comprehensive course covers relevant pronouncements, exposure drafts and other guidance recently issued in the accounting, auditing, review, and compilation arenas. With the rate of change in today’s regulatory environment, you must stay current on the topics impacting the profession – don’t get left behind!
- Youngstown Annual Tax Update seminar is for any tax advisor. This fast-paced one-day course covers the latest developments in federation taxation, with emphasis on real world implications.