Triumph and Tragedy: History Day event April 6

Students from Mahoning, Trumbull, Portage, Geauga and Ashtabula counties compete in the 43rd Region 4 Ohio History Day contest Saturday, April 6, hosted by the History Department at Youngstown State University.
Ohio History Day is an academic competition for students in grades six to 12 that encourages student-driven historical research. Students conduct research on a particular theme using libraries, archives, museums and oral history interviews. This year’s theme is “Triumph and Tragedy.”
Since 1975, about 300 students a year have attended the YSU event.
This year’s contest begins at 8:30 a.m. in DeBartolo Hall, the Beeghly College of Education and Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor. Exhibits are open to the public at 2 p.m. in the McKay Auditorium of Beeghly College of Education and the Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Beeghly Center at 3 p.m. Winners advance to the state contest at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio, on April 27.
For information, contact David Simonelli, professor of History, at or 330-941-1601 or Brianna Treleven at or 330-941-3459. Information is also available on the Region 4 website at