Religious Studies prof gives Shipka lecture

Julie Ingersoll, professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Florida who writes about the rise of right-wing Christianity in the United States, is the next lecturer in the Thomas and Albert Shipka Speakers Series.
The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center on the campus of Youngstown State University.
Ingersoll holds a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of California Santa Barbara. Her most recent book is Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction, where she traces an nearly 75-year effort to transform every aspect of culture to conform with a “biblical worldview.” In addition to her recent book and other scholarly work, Ingersoll she has written for The Conversation, Huffington Post and Religion Dispatches and has been cited in national publications including, The New Yorker, the Washington Post,and The New York Times.
For more information, contact RosaMaria Vega, or 330-941-3456.