Reaccreditation review kicks off

Preparations are underway for YSU’s 10-year reaccreditation review by the Higher Learning Commission, led by a 17-member steering committee that began meeting in the summer. “This is an extensive and crucial review of all university operations,” Provost Martin Abraham said. “It’s also an opportunity to share our successes and learn where and how we can get better.” In all, more than 100 individuals – faculty, staff, students and administrators – will be directly involved in the process, said Kevin Ball, associate provost and head of the steering committee. “When all is said and done, nearly everyone on campus will be involved in some capacity along the way,” he said. The process includes developing an internal comprehensive evaluation outlining evidence of the university’s commitment to meeting five broad criteria – 1. Mission; 2. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct; 3. Teaching and Learning: Quality Resources and Support; 4. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement; 5. Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. The process culminates with a site visit during the 2017-18 academic year, during which the HLC validates the university’s claims in the comprehensive evaluation. Barbara Johnson, HLC vice president for Accreditation Relations, was on campus in early August to discuss the reaccreditation process, answer questions and provide guidance. Johnson met with the steering committee, Abraham, President Jim Tressel, members of the Board of Trustees, deans, department chairs, Tod Hall Leaders and representatives of the Academic Senate, and the divisions of Academic Affairs, Student Experience and Enrollment Management. “Barbara’s visit was important in that it helped set the stage for the work we have in front of us and establish a further liaison link with the HLC,” Ball said.