STEM event focuses on undergraduate research

OUR STEM, an event aimed at getting more undergraduate students involved in and better prepared for research, will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 8 in Kilcawley Center on the Youngstown State University campus.
OUR STEM stands for Orientation for Undergraduate Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is open to all undergraduate students from any university.
The event consists of several workshops on topics such as: how to write a professional email, how to find an advisor, the ethics of research, how to dress professionally for a presentation, etc. The day also includes a panel discussion of undergraduate and graduate students who where involved in different types of undergraduate research.
Lunch will feature a keynote address by Graciela Perera, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Northeastern Illinois University. Previously, Perera was assistant professor of Computer Science and Information Systems at YSU.
OUR STEM is being organized by Dr. Alicia Prieto Langarica, assistant professor of Mathematics at YSU, and Pamela E Harris, assistant professor of Mathematics at Williams College.