K8YSU takes fourth in School Club Roundup

K8YSU, Youngstown State University's radio club, placed fourth nationally in the American Radio Relay League's School Club Roundup collegiate competition and sixth overall.
Scoring a total of 67,156 points, the highest score recently, K8YSU competed with universities such as Ohio State, Michigan State, Louisiana State, and more in the USA Collegiate Amateur Radio Competition. Of the 45 total participants, including elementary, middle and high schools, K8YSU finished sixth overall.
K8YSU participated in the fall competition, hosted during the third full school week of Oct. and is now preparing for the spring competition, which is to be held from Feb. 13 to 17.
The National School Club Roundup is a biannual competition in which amateur radio clubs compete in a five-day event. During the competition, clubs are allowed to be on air for at most six hours a day, but are not allowed to log more than 24 hours overall. When in contact with other radios, each group must answer with their call-sign, signal report, class—individual, club or school—and state.
The event is held by the American Radio Relay League, a national association for amateur radio.