Jambar wins big in state newspaper contest

The Jambar, Youngstown State University’s student newspaper, captured four first place awards in the 2021 Ohio Collegiate Newspaper Competition, including the top prize for its coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.
“The stories all had unique aspects that gave the reader introspect into the pandemic from various viewpoints,” the judges said in awarding The Jambar the first place award for COVID-19 coverage. “The best by far, which put these entries at the front of the line was the focus on the nursing students. Beautiful pieces and well written.”
The annual awards were started in 2009 by the Ohio News Media Association and Ohio News Media Foundation to recognize the achievements of Ohio’s college and university newspapers. Awards are given in two divisions: Schools with enrollments over 10,000, and under 10,000. The Jambar competes in the top division. Entries are judged by a panel of professionals from ONMA member newspapers.
In all, Jambar writers, editors, photographers and designers won 10 awards:
- Best Website, 1st place, Staff, John Galvin, web manager.
- Coronavirus Coverage, 1st place, Staff.
- Design, 1st place, Britany Hickey and Douglas M. Campbell.
- Photojournalism, 1st place, Brent Bigelow, Frances Clause and Brian Yauger.
- News Coverage, 2nd Place, Staff.
- In-depth reporting, 2nd place, “Goodbye Vindicator: The End of a Youngstown Legacy.”
- Best Multi-Media Package, 2nd place, staff “Goodbye Vindicator.”
- Opinion writing, 2nd place, Mac Pomeroy.
- Arts and entertainment, 3rd place, Frances Clause, “Jeff Wormley: On the Road with the Ramones.”
- Headline writing, 3rd place, Staff.
Last spring, YSU student media won 17 awards in the national Society of Collegiate Journalists contest, including first place prizes for two reporters and a photographer, and a first place overall excellence honors for Jambar TV.