“Inspiración: Celebrating Latinx and Hispanic Identities” is the theme of the 2022 Hispanic Heritage Month celebration featuring a variety of events throughout the Youngstown State University community Sept. 13 through Nov. 12.
The YSU Hispanic Heritage Planning Committee with the support of the YSU Division of Academic Affairs, Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Division of Student Affairs, have partnered with the community to mark the national monthlong celebration. For more information, call 330-941-1717 or email amtorres02@ysu.edu.
Henry GuzmanOpening Ceremony 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at the social hall of the Organización Cívica y Cultural Hispana Americana, 3660 Shirley Road, Youngstown. The event features a flag ceremony representing 22 Hispanic countries and keynote speaker Henry Guzman, a native of Puerto Rico who grew up in Youngstown and graduated from YSU with a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice. Guzman served on numerous boards and commissions in Ohio and nationally, was the first director of OCCHA and was one of the founders of the Ohio Commission on Hispanic Latino Affairs. He earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star with “V” for valor for his service in Vietnam.
Hispanic Heritage Month Colloquium Series, 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, YSU Cafaro Hall, Rm. 510, with visiting scholars Eduardo Camps Moreno, Mathematics doctoral program at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico, and Osvaldo Tapia, Mathematics Doctoral program at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes in Mexico. More information, contact Alicia Prieto Langarica at aprietolangarica@ysu.edu.
Hispanic Heritage Celebration, noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 15, YSU Kilcawley Center, Chestnut Room. The festival, free and open to the public, includs music and dance performances, cultural displays, vendors, resource tables, children’s activities and light refreshments.
Día De Los Muertos Celebration, 6 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 2, YSU Kilcawley Center, The Hub "Dia de los Muertos" (Day of the Dead) is a traditional celebration to remember the departed through photos, food or other items honoring those who have died. Traditional hot chocolate and “Pan de Muertos" (Bread of the Dead) will be served. Free and open to the public. More information, contact Alicia Prieto Langarica at aprietolangarica@ysu.edu or 330-941-1549.