Free Good Humor Radio shows this week

The Youngstown State University Department of Communication’s Good Humor Radio Players present “L’Amour Noir” 6:45 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16 and 17 at Butler North, located adjacent to the Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Ave.
The Tuesday, April 16, show will be broadcast live on Radio 570 WKBN.
Performances are free, but tickets must be secured in advance by calling the University Theatre Box Office at 330-941-3105. Patrons are advised that some scripts contain adult language and themes.
Four scripts will be performed: Pepperonis by Eric Coble, West Side Market by Eric Coble, Cleveland Clinic by Eric Coble and Blues for Johnny Raven and Audio Noir by Thomas E. Fuller
The Good Humor Radio Players is an audio theater production and performance company comprised of actors, Foley artists, sound engineers and musicians, including students and community members from the Youngstown area. The performances feature live actors on old-time radio microphones including live sound effects and music as a selection of dramatic tales are told.
“Audience members are invited to see the story only in their imaginations,” said Fred Owens, professor in the Department of Communication. “Like the theater convention of stage hands being ‘invisible’ during blackouts, audio drama actors and their equipment are supposed to be ‘invisible’ during performance. Of course, because normal room lighting is always on, the audience can watch the performance if they want to.”
Limited free parking is available in the Butler’s parking lot, with additional parking in the Wick Avenue deck for a nominal fee. More information at 330-941-2307.