Five students to receive the YSU Alumni Legacy Scholarship for the 2025 - 2026 academic year

The Youngstown State University Office of Alumni Engagement has awarded Alumni Legacy Scholarship awards of $1,000 to each of five recipients in recognition of their academic achievements and their decision to follow in the footsteps of YSU alumni parents.

The 2025-2026 school year awardees are Cameron Carr, son of Amy Shane (’02); Livia Laudermilt, daughter of Angel Laudermilt ('94, '96); Jackson Linko, son of Jonathan Linko ('99) and Malynda Linko ('00); Jack Phillips, son of Liz Phillips ('91) and David Phillips ('91); Scott Tanner, son of Tim Tanner ('92) and Valerie Tanner ('95).

Cameron CarrCameron Carr is a finance major studying financial management. Carr is actively involved in his fraternity, Sigma Tau Gamma, and plans to attend law school upon graduation.

Livia LaudermiltLivia Laudermilt, is studying integrated language arts education. She is very involved on campus and is a member of the Sokolov Honors College. Laudermilt works as a teaching assistant and a student assistant. She is secretary of the YSU Honors Trustees and participates in the Dr. Abdu’s Pen Pal Program as a community fellow.

Jackson LinkoJackson Linko is pursuing a degree in primary education, with a primary intervention specialist major and plans to graduate in 2027. Linko is an active member of the YSU Forensic Science Club and YSUnity. Additionally, he works for a youth fitness company, Gymsters.

Jack PhilipsJack Philips is a current business student majoring in human resources and minoring in criminal justice. Philips is a part of the Sokolov Honors College and is a member of the Economics Club and Society for Human Resources at YSU.

Scott TannerScott Tanner is a sports broadcasting major with a minor in marketing. Tanner is involved in his fraternity, Sigma Tau Gamma, as the vice president of recruitment. He is also a two-time Dean’s List Honoree.

The Scholarship committee is comprised of three YSU alumni who volunteer to read the scholarship essays and select the award recipients.