Dana School of Music performances this week

The Dana School of Music’s end-of-semester performances continue this week, including:
- Thursday, April 29, 8 p.m. Dana’s Large Ensembles free in-person public concert in Stambaugh Auditorium. Social distancing, face coverings enforced. The Large Ensembles are composed of students in string orchestra, chamber orchestra and large chamber group. Featured is a saxophone solo by senior Jimmy O’Donnell of Altoona, Pa. After graduation, O’Donnell will attend Bowling Green State University as a teaching assistant to pursue a master’s degree in Saxophone Performance.
- Saturday, May 1, 7 p.m. The Dana Piano Trio performs as part of the Dana School of Music and McDonough Museum of Art’s Muse Series. The performance on the Cliffe College YouTube and McDonough YouTube channels includes Dana faculty Wendy Case (violin), Kivie Cahn-Lipman (cello) and Cicilia Yudha (piano).
- Sunday, May 2, 3 p.m. The Dana Ensemble, comprised of Dana faculty, performs in Ford Family Recital Hall, DeYor Performing Arts Center, in downtown Youngstown. The concert, titled “The Society for Public Musical Performance,” pays homage to Arnold Schoenberg’s salon concert series that ended 100 years ago in Vienna and also includes a world premiere of a piece written by University of Akron faculty member Jamie Wilding commissioned for the Dana Ensemble. Tickets at www.deyorpac.org, 330-259-9651 and at the door. Tickets $10, senior citizen $9, and free with a valid YSU ID. Social distancing and face coverings enforced.
More information at 330-727-7514.