Dana hosts Jazz Day, Sax Summit Jan. 18

Jazz, sax and one of the world’s most renowned saxophonists are featured at the Youngstown State University Dana School of Music’s Jazz Day and Saxophone Summit 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020 in Bliss Hall on the YSU campus.
The event is free. Advance registration is requested at www.ysu.edu/music/jazz-sax-summit.
World-renowned jazz educator and performer Jamey Aebersold will conduct several jazz clinics and perform in concert throughout the day. In addition, James Umble, YSU professor of Saxophone and a nationally-recognized teacher, soloist, chamber musician and author, will present classical performances and solo clinics.
Breakout sessions for jazz drummers, jazz bassists and keyboard players will also be presented by YSU Jazz faculty Kent Engelhardt (saxophone and piano), Dave Morgan (bass), Glenn Schaft (percussion faculty and jazz drummer) and Dave Kana (saxophone).
A professional session for music educators is scheduled, called “Improving the Saxophone Sections in Your Bands”.
Free parking is available in the M30 Wick Avenue deck. For more information, calling 330-941-2307 or email Umble at jcumble@ysu.edu.