Campus Compact: November

Webinar Series

Tuesday, November 13, 3 p.m.

Community Colleges as Civic Power Plants:
Generating, harnessing, and spreading civic power 

part of the National Campus Compact webinar series

Inspired by Eric Liu's You Are More Powerful Than You Think and his notion of civic power, this webinar will introduce the concept of community colleges as "Civic Power Plants" generating power in the civic life of their students and campuses. How can community colleges harness their true public purpose by educating for democracy and sending it out to make a difference in the civic lives of the communities that they serve? This webinar will feature examples of civic engagement from across the diversity of the community college realm.

Presenter: Verdis Robinson, Director for Community College Engagement at Campus Compact

Thursday, December 6, 4 p.m.

Students and Spirituality: Student motivation to do good

part of the National Campus Compact webinar series

This webinar is an opportunity for Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) and Campus Compact to explore the intersection of faith and service as it relates to student motivation to engage in civic engagement. Dr. Janett Cordovés will introduce the work of IFYC and research they have done around how students in faith communities engage with their campuses and communities through civic engagement. Dr. Cordovés will be joined by staff and students to talk about their experiences.

Presenter: Janett I. Cordovés, Co-Curricular Partnerships Manager at IFYC

Call for Partners

Call for Strategic Partners

Engaged Scholars Initiative

Campus Compact of the Midwest Region is seeking strategic institutional partners to collaborate in piloting a new Engaged Scholars Initiative (ESI). The ESI would support a collaborative learning and leadership cohort of scholars from May 2019 to August 2020. The purpose of the Engaged Scholars cohort is to develop, support, and connect leaders who can advance co-created knowledge, critically engaged pedagogies, institutional change, and collaborative action to address societal issues.    More Information