2025 Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey

Between March 10th and April 4th, all YSU students are invited to participate in a student satisfaction survey. The survey takes about 20-minutes and will ask what you think is important on campus and how satisfied you are with your experience.

The feedback you provide will be used to help Youngstown State University make student-centered decisions about the programs and services that support your learning and future. Add your voice by responding to YSU’s student-satisfaction survey – topics include food on campus, parking, technology in your classrooms, registering for classes, and more!

To take the survey, check your email for a personalized link or choose the version below that best describes you and enter your Y-ID for the passcode.

If you have any trouble accessing the survey, please email atkaufman@ysu.edu for support.

Prior Years' Student Survey Data

2022 Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey

In the spring of 2022, the Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) fielded the Noel Levitz Satisfaction survey. All undergraduate and graduate students were invited to participate in two different survey versions. The surveys had an overall response rate of 17%. YSU has participated in the Noel Levitz survey since 2012.  All campus stakeholders are invited to book a consult to learn more about student survey data or discuss disaggregated reports.

You can access a full set of survey items and data using your YSU credentials, or review institutional strengths and challenges identified using the survey's strategic priority matrix

FALL DATA Snapshot series

Each week of the fall semester, ITL will be releasing a data one-pager from that survey as part of the Fall Data Snapshot Series.

Years Prior to 2022