How do you contribute to the university’s mission?
What is your department’s vision for the future? How does this relate to the university’s vision?
Can you describe the tenure and promotion process? What is your impression of the process?
Talk about shared governance and how faculty participate in decision‐ making at different levels of the university (department, college, institution). What are the biggest resource challenges at YSU?
How would you describe the relationship between faculty and administration? What works and what needs improvement? YSU’s colleges. What collaborations currently exist?
What resources are available to support faculty (e.g., library, internal grants, external grant support, faculty development, travel, etc.)? Are these sufficient in meeting faculty needs?
Is your department actively involved in assessing student learning? How has your department used its assessment findings? What evidence do you have that students achieve your program’s intended learning outcomes?
For those who’ve recently had a program accreditation visit, what have you learned from the process of writing the self‐study, external visit experience, and from the external visitor’s written report?
Do you have undergraduate students and graduate students in the same classroom? How do you differentiate between undergraduate and graduate learning outcomes?
What is the purpose of YSU’s general education requirement? In what ways does the program achieve its goals for students? How could it be improved?
How are your students doing once they graduate?
Are you involved in research? How does the university’s focus on research further YSU’s mission? What opportunities do students in your program have to gain experience with research? Community or civic engagement? Diversity or multiculturalism?
For some common faculty issues (workload, salary, sabbatical leaves, etc.), what works well and what needs to be improved?
What is the role of faculty in ensuring academic quality?
How do you ensure that all classes – online, blended, off‐campus, dual credit ‐ have the same student learning outcomes and equivalent assessments?
Does your department offer courses or programs via cyberlearning? If so, how does the department ensure the quality of the curriculum regardless of how or where it is delivered?