
Listed below are the prerequisite courses for the PT Program (B or better required for Anatomy & Physiology. C or better required for all others). If you attend YSU, you should take the recommended course numbers listed. If you do not attend YSU, you should select equivalent courses at your institution. Courses at other institutions may not be the same number of semester hours as YSU courses. This is acceptable as long as you take the minimum semester hours listed below. The Admissions Committee will determine the equivalency of transfer courses by level and content; their decision is final. 

6 prerequisite courses must be completed before applying to the program.  All undergraduate degree requirements and prerequisite courses must be completed prior to the start of the program. 

Prerequisite Courses


  Recommended YSU Course Number

  Semester Hours Required

Anatomy (Human)*

Physiology (Human)*

BIOL 3705; BIOL 3705L (4 s.h.)

BIOL 3730; BIOL 3730L (5 s.h.)


Biological Sciences (2 courses)*

  BIOL 2601; BIOL 2601L
  BIO 2602; BIOL 2602L
  or any 2 Bios (not Anatomy & Physiology)


 Chemistry (2 courses)*

  CHEM 1515; CHEM 1515L
  CHEM 1516; CHEM 1516L
General Chemistry for science majors


 Physics (2 courses)*

  PHYS 1501; PHYS 1501L (5 s.h.)
  PHYS 1502; PHYS 1502L (4 s.h.)
General algebra-based physics for science majors


  Psychology (1 course)




  STAT 3717 or PSYC 2618 or STAT 2625

  3 – 4

*Must take lab if available with course